A Medium publication sharing concepts, ideas and codes.

And a Python tutorial on how to build and train a Fixed Effects model on a real-world panel data set

Want to know how to use Design Thinking to deliver data science projects that create real business value? Here’s how.

Photo bypicjumbo.comfromPexels

Dating is hard — but maybe Probability Theory can make it slightly easier this cuffing season

Image from Pixabay (dimitrisvetsikas1969)

Processing geospatial satellite imagery data on a cloud-based Jupyter Notebook Python Environment to measure rain exposure of key public infrastructure facilities

Methods for choosing the right number of clusters

This article is part of an ongoing series exploring the topic of ML monitoring debt, how to identify it, and best practices to manage and mitigate its impact

Just another cat overwhelmed with his model monitoring dashboard | Image by101catsviaiStock


A Medium publication sharing concepts, ideas and codes.

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